MMORPG Free to Play Top 10

There is an enormous amount of competition in the Free MMORPG Game space, and it has only been intensifying in the last few years. This is of course good news for all of us gamers, as more and more top notch games are being converted to free to play models and developers rolling the dice with new titles in this genre it can only get better it only seems like the gamer is the one to win in this battle.

LOTRO Riders of Rohan War-Steeds

In The Lord of the Rings Online: Riders of Rohan, the War-steed is your personal combat mount. It gains experience and can be trained and specialized in a variety of ways. Assigning earned trait points will allow you to improve their attributes,acquire new skills, and improve your own mounted combat skills. Unlike standard travel mounts, War-steeds hail from a long lineage of majestic, highly intelligent, and kingly creatures known as the Mearas.