Darkfall: Unholy Wars is a fantasy action MMORPG by Aventurine. It is set in Agon, a land that has been in chaos for hundreds of years thanks to a war between demons and gods battling for dominion. Darkfall: Unholy Wars focuses on real-time gameplay, PvP, city building, a full-rights looting system, and an intricate class system.This sandbox PvP allows for real-time battles between clans on player-built cities and in the natural environment. The world is large and immersive with seamless transitions between zones. Territory control is crucial as clans battle to create and conquer cities and villages.
Armed with a deep character system, players advance with Prowess and can choose from a diverse list of classes and jobs. The Warrior, which can be specialized towards close combat aggression or elite protection; the Skirmisher, which can be disciplined towards archery or agile combat; the Elementalist, which can be utilized as either either a long distance fire mage or close distance air warlock; and the Primalist which is mostly a healer but can also be used as a enhancer. You can build your legacy as a fighter, a merchant, craftsman, even as a politician, and so much more.