The gaming community has seen an influx of MMORPG creations over the
years. Gamers are seeing new titles being released everyday through
almost every outlet, ranging from big name companies to independent
Kickstarter campaigns. With all the success in the MMO world it?s hard
to imagine a company that would willingly stay away from such
innovation. But that company does exist, and its name is Nintendo.
Thanks to the release of Star Wars: The Old Republic, the most
requested title to transition to an MMORPG now clearly comes from fans
of the increasingly popular series, Pokemon. Is there any reason why
Nintendo would want to restrict such a successful franchise from
expanding even further? Sadly the answer is yes, but it?s not nearly
enough to condemn a series that seems destined to produce one of the
best MMORPGs ever made.
Pokemon has tons of content primed for the MMO world. This
series will discuss many topics ranging from trainer and Pokemon builds,
to gameplay and battle mechanics. These topics will ultimately support
bringing Pokemon fans their long awaited MMO experience with some of
their favorite creations in gaming. I The following points are sure to
prove just how much time Nintendo is wasting every day they let this
opportunity pass them by, along with the amazing experience that fans
are missing out on because of it.
[heading]Successful RPG[/heading]

There are already so many fans of this RPG that it justifies implementing some form of mass multiplayer experience where they can all join together. If you think about it, jumping into the MMORPG race would be the best move to reenergize any previously and currently existing Pokemon fans. Fans are constantly looking for their favorite games to expand, but players will always cling to the qualities that once had them so vehemently addicted.
[heading]Catch ’em all[/heading]

The Pokemon universe already has a huge cache of established NPC?s from their long running television and game series, providing material for both storyline and battle experiences. Pokemon also has an established battle system that fits an MMO well, even if the current training system does not. If players can experience leveling up together instead of just against NPCs, the game will have full success, even if developers will have headaches creating it.

Do think Pokemon is suited for the MMO world? Make sure to check back next Friday, when I delve into the topic further by discussing the possibilities of having pokemon in an MMORPG setting.