This MMOpinion Topic was actually asked way back in August. Back then, Star Wars: The Old Republic had just announced that it was going to be taking on the free to play model. So we asked you, the users, to tell us which game you thought was going free to play next. Three of you: LordOfTheFlies, OriginalDudeGamerGuy and ForagingForages, actually said that they thought TERA would go free to play. And guess what? It did.
Now we just have the announcement that RIFT is going free to play on June 12th, so I had the crazy idea to ask again, which MMO do you think will go free to play next, because obviously, this poll will help the developer speed up the process.
So tell me MMO ATK fans, which MMO do you think will be the next to succumb to the free to play strategy?