Riot Games Bringing The League Community Together

Riot Games continue to win awards for their community-esque approach to the work place and that community feel is now spreading to the League of Legends fan-base. The upcoming launch of Season 3 is bringing with it the potential for the biggest eSports event in the history of gaming and Riot Games are giving their players the chance to get involved and get together.

The newly launched Viewing Party Program (VPP) is helping players around the globe organize events in their local area. Currently 110 events have been approved by Riot Games spread across Europe, North & South America, Asia, basically everywhere!

The new system allows organizers to spread the word amongst the people that really matter, the League of Legends community. However, if you’re not the organizing type it’s also a great way to discover nearby events and meet other League players. For more information you can check out the official post here.

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