[stat=Publisher]R2 Games[/stat]
[stat=Developer]R2 Games[/stat]
[stat=Free to Play]Yes[/stat]
[stat=Download Size]NA[/stat]
The reign of King Valcroy, after the defeat of the Undead and the evil Ice Queen, was a golden age of peace and prosperity. For many generations, Vidalia was the center of trade, commerce, and protection from the outlying lands beyond the influence of the Vidalian Monarchy.
That was until the warrior queen, Hitomi VII, was assassinated without a direct heir to the throne. Nephews, cousins, uncles, all laid claim to the throne and the unity of the kingdom was quickly torn asunder. Queen Hitomi?s nephew, Prince Rycroft, a ruthless and power-hungry man, but a man with the strongest claim to the throne, was able to take control of the capital city of Everglade and proclaimed himself King of all Vidalia. While the city itself is mostly stable, constant threats from rival claimants and enemy outlying lands has led to constant battle and a need for a steady stream of warriors ready to support the claims of King Rycroft and bring stability back to the realm.