The science-fiction MMO based on the TV series of the same name, Defiance, will be making the transition to the free-to-play market this June according to a recent article published on Polygon. Trion Worlds revealed that Defiance will open its free-to-play doors on June 4th for PC players while PlayStation 3 players will get free access on July 15th. The developers are still waiting on confirmation from Microsoft as the Xbox 360 version of the game is still “pending”.
The article also states that Trion Worlds planned to make Defiance free-to-play from the beginning but they have promised that those that paid $49.99 for the game during the months following the release can expect “special treatment”.
“Anyone who has played the game in great depth has seen that the game is
better when there are a lot of other people around,” Dempsey said.
“This change provides everyone with lots of other people to play with in
a massive co-operative experience.”
Trion Worlds will be launching a live stream event later today (5PM ET) to showcase some of the features and changes accompanying the free-to-play transition, so check out the official Twitch.TV channel for a sneak peak. To read the interview in full check out the link below.
Source: Polygon