Project Eternity started as a venture looking to raise one-million dollars on Kickstarter. By recently doubling that number and meeting their goal far faster than originally intended, Obsidian Entertainment has revealed added direction for the game?s development.
Studio Director Adam Brennecke and game designer Josh Sawyer confirmed yesterday that they will be restructuring their goals with the multitude of backers already contributing to the project. After already dedicating extra funds to increased game content like dungeons and with two million-plus dollars in pledges, developers promise to add a crafting and enchanting aspect to the game as well.
Crafting in a game is a great way of utilizing every game item for some purpose or another. Players will now have the ability to use materials for a many purposes ranging from upgrading equipment to even creating life saving potions. Obsidian Entertainment claims the new system will be easy to use and very flexible.
With only two weeks remaining on Kickstarter, and the announcement of a ‘mega dungeon’ coming just hours ago, it will be interesting to see what other changes we may see to Project Eternity in the future. With stretch goals being altered in a matter of weeks and contributions still coming in, we may not have seen the last addition to this surprising enterprise.
Don?t forget, anyone who contributes on Kickstarter will get different levels of gifts depending on the level of contribution. Check out the list, it?s pretty cool.