An Angry Birds animated series and a movie has been announced by the Rovio Company. The?animated series is set to have 52 short episodes consisted of two and a half minutes in duration.?These episodes will be released to a variety of devices in the fall. These episodes will have apps?along the side of them that will run in conjunction with the series as well.
“We’re going to roll out a weekly animation series later this year of short-form content,” Rovio’s?head of animation Nick Dorra said at the MIPTV conference in Cannes.
“We’re going to roll it out on all possible devices,” Dorra added. “We’re looking at building a video?app for that, and we’re also looking at partnerships and so on. We want to be on all screens.”
The head of animation also revealed that an Angry Birds movie will be released by not for another?couple of years. The plans for this movie were confirmed in the summer of 2011.
“It’s in development, but it won’t be out in 2013 or 2014. You’ll have to bide your time and first?watch all of our shorts!”
Angry Birds fans don?t have to wait too long for the release of these short episodes, but may have?to do so until the movie is released. Until then, fans can enjoy the new Angry Birds Space app that?came out recently as well that has received 10 million downloads in a matter of three days.