The popular downloadable game known as Karakuri Conquista has finally made its way to America. The game originally released for the Android and iOS in Japan has been translated and converted for English speaking users. The game is renamed Conquista Fantasia and is a unique menu style RPG that somewhat plays as its own trading card game.
The Steampunk inspired RPG released by Funnel Inc is a menu driven extravaganza. It curiously emulates TCG style competition, even with lacking the ?collecting your army? aspect that those games tend to require. Still, players will be able to save rare items, weapons, and equipment to creatively build their way to victory. The game give players a decent sized storyline to follow as a single player while also allowing for control over PvP gameplay, similar to the faction influence found in Guild Wars 2.
Like that in World of Warcraft, the game allows players to choose from two factions that obviously have differing ideals about the philosophy of living in their Steampunk world. Players will also be able to choose from popular RPG classes like the Monk, Knight and Wizard. From there you will set out to defend you world plagued by a magically steamy rebellion. Will you support the the creation of ?The Automation? a new kind of magical auto-mechanism that will change the world; or will you join the rebellion to overthrow the changing ideals of the world?
Mankind is divided and it?s time for you to decide. If you are up for the challenge or merely looking for a different RPG to try out, give Conquista Fantasia a look. The TCG-esque Steampunk RPG is now available on the Google Play store and best of all, it?s free!