Last Chaos

Last Chaos

Last Chaos is one of the first games Aeria Games ever published. The game was originally released back in 2006 and is set in a  fantasy environment. According to the lore, the land that the players inhabit was created by two gods, Apollon and Eres, the gods of light and darkness, respectfully. The two rival gods, Apollon and Eres, clash with each other and a tremendous war breaks out. Eres creates an ?evil? race (which is playable in the game as the Titan class) but then retreats after a failed attempt to control the world. But of course, he?s sworn to return.

While the class options available in Last Chaos aren?t anything new, the game has an excellent variety of skills. The game has a decent variety of classes, but the entire character creation process is very limited.  You have the opportunity to choose between six playable classes: Titan, Knight, Sorcerer, Mage, Rogue, Healer.  However the classes are gender locked and there is very little customization that can help distinguish your character from the next.