Sleeping Dogs DLC, Mabinogi Sam Sex Marriages, Offensive Combat and more! – Weekly Loot Ep. 25

Thanks for watching the Weekly Loot!

This week we discuss:
Mabinogi and same sex marriages
Offensive Combat and political parties
Modern Warfare 4’s introduction
Sleeping Dogs DLC pack
Dead Island Rip-Tide’s release information

For your chance to win a $20 Steam Gift Card, comment below telling us whether you think video games and politics should mix.

Winner to be announced on Friday November 9th.

Get Hyped For!: Sleeping Dogs

Whenever I stopped to look at my old PS2 collection, I can never hold myself back from picking up my old True Crime games and play through them again. To me the True Crime series captured the best aspects of action and remained fresh no matter how many times I’ve played them. In 2010, the True Crime’s newest addition (Hong Kong) was sadly canceled nearing the end of production. This was marked as the death of the the True Crime series, until Square Enix got involved.