Twin Saga is a vivid and imaginative new anime MMORPG developed by X-Legend Entertainment and published by Aeria Games, the same partnership that delivered fan-favorite hits like Aura Kingdom and Grand Fantasia. Twin Saga’s vibrant and charming graphical style draws players into a rich, immersive anime universe with epic adventures and fantastic discoveries waiting around every corner. With the ability to change classes at will and form strategic skill combos, Twin Saga offers a deeply customizable and varied gameplay experience for both veteran and newcomer MMO players!
Since time immemorial, the twin goddesses Marisa and Amaris have watched over the world, maintaining the balance of order. Recently, however, the sisters’ fragile peace has slipped into chaos, with mankind’s fate hanging in the balance. With hope nearly extinguished, it has fallen to you to take up arms and fight for the future of all life!