Games of Glory is a fast-action sci-fi MOBA blend created by the independent Franco-Swedish studio, Lightbulb Crew. In Games of Glory players star at the center of intense arena battles that decide the future of the galactic empire, the Synarchy. Games of Glory presents a major difference in the way battle arenas have traditionally been played, by combining Hack & Slash controls, free aiming à la shooters, and an arsenal of more than 40 weapons to choose from. E-Sport is a part of the setting, and players have the ability to choose to enact different roles within the e-sport universe, such as star player, tournament planner, club head, trainer, recruiter, and more.

Just a heads up, they’ve halted development of Games of Glory and are moving on to new projects. It is not closing (as of yet) but will no longer be updated with new content.