Titan, new MMO by Blizzard, may be be further along than fans thought

Titan, the new MMORPG that Blizzard has been working on, may be farther along than was to be initially thought.

Rob Pardo, the Executive Vice President of Game Design, kindled a new surge of hearsay with his very brief Tweet, ?[J]ust got to do a playtest in Titan ? [still] pretty rough, but it?s lots of fun too?.

The Tweet confirms a couple of things in regards to the game that we only had an idea about. Titan is still in the works and appears to be an active part of Blizzard?s future title development cycle. Also, the game is not in the pre-development planning/concept stage which was made reference to at Blizzcon 2011.

It is big news for Blizzard fans, without a doubt. While World of Warcraft is still the biggest MMO out there right now, many upcoming MMOs are on their way making promises of systems that will be better than World of Warcraft?s. Fans are excited to see just what Blizzard is made of and what they can do with next-generation systems and ideas.

The only thing that is known to us about Titan is that it is in a very early playable stage. The Titan MMO will be entirely new intellectual property for Blizzard, crushing hopes that fans had of StarCraft and Diablo MMOs. This is an ultimate first step in what will seem to be an exciting future for Titan and Blizzard enthusiasts.

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