It’s an unfortunate reality of entertainment, particularly in the games industry: someone popularizes something; be it a lighting technique, a game mechanic, or a story device. Others begin to take notice of what that developer did; of how their actions have resonated with the fans. They begin to incorporate these elements into their own games.
Before long, a circle-jerk of epic proportions ensues: everybody’s doing it, and soon, the idea starts to get overused, boring, and stale. It happened in gaming’s early days with chosen ones and World War II shooters; now it’s starting to happen again: here are a few overdone mechanics, themes, and settings which a lot of folks are probably getting tired of seeing.
Note that none of the items on this list are necessarily bad: They’ve simply become overused to the point of total saturation.
[heading]”Press X to Win”[/heading]

It didn’t add anything to the game whatsoever: on the contrary; it felt like the biggest letdown since “Finishing this Fight.” in Halo 2. I understand what they were going for with it; but it ultimately came across as boring and more than a little lazy.
That’s the sort of trend I’m talking about here: when quick time events take the place of actual game-play.

But we’re getting off track.
If the whole debacle surrounding The War Z has made one thing clear, it’s that a lot of the shiftier devs out there are starting to see zombies as the next gravy train in gaming. That’s not a good thing. How many flesh-eating living dead can one kill before it starts to get old?
I guess we’ll find out.
[heading]Morality Sliders[/heading]

There’s honestly no middle ground.
Of course, to get the latter, you’d need to go around stealing candy from orphans and punting kittens, so it’s pretty much useless for determining whether or not someone’s a good person anyway.

Don’t get me wrong, some of the stories are quite well-written. it’s just that with such a rich, incredibly varied tapestry to work from; it bothers me that so many developers seem content to settle on the mute browns and grays of modern-era war zones. I’d love to see more high fantasy or medieval FPS titles, with wizards and warlocks instead of soldiers and shotguns. Hell, even a few more sci-fi shooters would be nice, to mix things up a bit.
Maybe I’m just an odd fellow.
Plus, none of them take war all that seriously. Sure, there’s drama, and loss, and character growth; but somehow the abhorrent kill count between is totally ignored. That’s what makes Spec Ops: The Line such a good game. It doesn’t ignore those factors. Yeah, I know – shameless plug.

One thing I’ve noticed – and this isn’t just a trend in modern games – is that we seem to have some kind of obsession with the end of the world. So many titles over the past few years have involved some kind of cataclysm that it’s becoming somewhat difficult to keep track. And why not? I mean, a story can’t really invoke tension or drama if there’s really nothing at stake. No one wants to play a title about Ted’s trip to the supermarket to pick up dog food, but Theodore’s efforts to bring down a mad sorcerer before he transforms the world into nothingness is primo material.
Of course, post-apocalyptic titles also fit under this vast umbrella, as well. I’m not sure what it is, but the concept of surviving in a world which is beyond saving just seems to appeal to people. Maybe we’re exhausted with the safety of civilization?
[heading] Walking Testosterone Sinks[/heading]

east; let’s talk about the hyper-machismo that’s punctuated so many shooters over the past few years. In far too many genres – particularly shooters – there appears to be an obsession with making characters ‘macho’ – as though no one would want to play a game starring someone who either isn’t male, doesn’t have power, or lacks the necessary musculature for wrestling a bull elephant into submission.
Noteworthy offenders include Marcus Fenix, Kratos, Asura of Asura’s Wrath, War from Darksiders, pretty much all the protagonists from Army of Two….you get the idea. Of course, this trope is perfectly acceptable when it’s played for laughs, as is so often the case.
What overused elements and themes have you noticed over the years? Give a shout in the comments!