Champions Online is a superhero MMORPG that was released by Cryptic Studios in late 2009. Cryptic Studios is responsible for the creation of the highly rated games, City of Heroes and City of Villains. Their newest game aims to take many of the components that made the sequels so great and add in a number of unique features that make Champions Online one of the most popular MMORPGs out there today.
One of the most popular features of Champions Online is its robust character creation. The game offers players one of the most advanced character design elements where you can express your character in almost any way your brain can imagine. It may be a little daunting at first, being able to choose from hundreds of parts imaginable, like legs, tails, ears, eyes, nose, anything! After character creation, you are faced with selecting the proper powers to battle your foes. Selecting initial superpowers is only the beginning as you will be upgrading to super stats and character focuses along your journey.
The gameplay is very smooth and action packed. Your character seems to effortlessly take down enemies with your main abilities while your basic powers allow you to increase your energy reserves while you fight. From your initial glimpse of Millennium City you?ll noticed that you are surrounded by a visually stunning world.
Champions Online was originally released as a pay to play MMORPG with a free trial, but their free-to-play option was added in early 2011. If you are a gamer who loves to express their avatars and take on the world, then this is the game for you. Feel free to browse some screenshots and gameplay videos before heading off to create your Superhero!
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