Top 10 Retro MMO Games – MMO Attack’s Top 10

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Gaming has gone through some massive changes since coming into existence, but players will forever cling to the nostalgic moments those experiences have to offer. Retro games may not have the attractive graphics modern successors do, but I’ve always said there is brilliance in simplicity. Not everything in gaming is about visual realism. That’s why MMO Attack hunted down some of the better online options that bring players back to the time of 8-bit and 16-bit consoles. If you are looking for an online experience that emulates classic systems like the NES, SNES, and Gameboy, this Top 10 list is certainly for you.
MMO ATK’s list for the Top 10 Best Action MMOs on Steam:
10. Forsaken World – http://goo.gl/noava
9. Realm of the Mad God – http://goo.gl/BCHrS
8. Vindictus – http://goo.gl/9SFEP
7. Bloodline Champions – http://goo.gl/75bt3
6. APB Reloaded – http://goo.gl/QnaFK
5. Age of Conan Unchained – http://goo.gl/Or4Q7
4. Defiance – http://goo.gl/9GZiI
3. Dungeons and Dragons Online – http://goo.gl/slnrP
2. DC Universe Online – http://goo.gl/MZLdj
1. Planetside 2 – http://goo.gl/C8ybu
Read the full article HERE!
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Steam has arguably become the most popular virtual distributor of PC games. Whether you need a hardcore first person shooter or just fancy a decent puzzle game, steam has an option for you.
Realm of the Mad God is a browser MMO fantasy shooter, a hack-and-slash MMO. The point of the game is to complete open quests and get to the Realm of the Mad God.