Unreal Tournament, Killing Floor 2 and is Wildstar the Best MMO Ever? | The Daily XP May 9th

The Daily XP is MMO ATK’s Daily MMO and MMORPG News Show.  Come back each and every day for highlights of the days most current stories, brought to you by the number one MMO news source on the web!

Daily MMO and MMORPG News

Our team of writers scour the web for the most recent and up to date MMO news each and everyday, so you don’t have to. Our daily news team brings you everything you need to know in a short, sweet and informative video format. MMO ATK brings you MMORPG news the way you want it!

Today on the Daily XP:
Unreal Tournament Coming Back! | [timer]37[/timer]
Wildstar Is The Best MMO Ever? | [timer]87[/timer]
PlanetSide 2 to Run at 1080p on PS4 | [timer]126[/timer]
Killing Floor 2 to be the Goriest Yet | [timer]126[/timer]
The Walking Dead: Season 2 Episode 3 Due Next Week | [timer]126[/timer]

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News: Elder Scrolls Online Console Delays, Nintendo Emerging Markets! | The Daily XP May 8th

The Daily XP is MMO ATK’s Daily MMO and MMORPG News Show.  Come back each and every day for highlights of the days most current stories, brought to you by the number one MMO news source on the web!

Daily MMO and MMORPG News

Our team of writers scour the web for the most recent and up to date MMO news each and everyday, so you don’t have to. Our daily news team brings you everything you need to know in a short, sweet and informative video format. MMO ATK brings you MMORPG news the way you want it!

Today on the Daily XP:
MapleStory Celebrates its 9th Anniversary Month With Updates and More | [timer]30[/timer]
Nintendo To Release Consoles and Accessories in Emerging Markets | [timer]68[/timer]
The Elder Scrolls Online Console Releases Delayed 6 Months | [timer]107[/timer]

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Siege The Day, Tales of the Borderlands, EVE Online and more! | The Daily XP May 5th

The Daily XP is MMO ATK’s Daily MMO and MMORPG News Show.  Come back each and every day for highlights of the days most current stories, brought to you by the number one MMO news source on the web!

Daily MMO and MMORPG News

Our team of writers scour the web for the most recent and up to date MMO news each and everyday, so you don’t have to. Our daily news team brings you everything you need to know in a short, sweet and informative video format. MMO ATK brings you MMORPG news the way you want it!

Today on the Daily XP:
CCP Games to Update EVE Online More Often | [timer]50[/timer]
Siege the Day Patch Hitting SMITE Come Tomorrow | [timer]89[/timer]
Telltale Games Releases Tales from the Borderlands Screenshots | [timer]142[/timer]

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Project Legion, Defiance Going Free to Play and more! | The Daily XP May 2nd

The Daily XP is MMO ATK’s Daily MMO and MMORPG News Show.  Come back each and every day for highlights of the days most current stories, brought to you by the number one MMO news source on the web!

Daily MMO and MMORPG News

Our team of writers scour the web for the most recent and up to date MMO news each and everyday, so you don’t have to. Our daily news team brings you everything you need to know in a short, sweet and informative video format. MMO ATK brings you MMORPG news the way you want it!

Today on the Daily XP:
Call of Duty Advanced Warfare Announced Via Trailer | [timer][/timer]
CCP Games Announces Project Legion, a Replacement for Dust 514? | [timer][/timer]
Defiance Will Be Going Free to Play This Summer | [timer][/timer]

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Mario Kart 8, Pantheon: RotF Gameplay, Hellraid and more! | The Daily XP April 30th

The Daily XP is MMO ATK’s Daily MMO and MMORPG News Show.  Come back each and every day for highlights of the days most current stories, brought to you by the number one MMO news source on the web!

Daily MMO and MMORPG News

Our team of writers scour the web for the most recent and up to date MMO news each and everyday, so you don’t have to. Our daily news team brings you everything you need to know in a short, sweet and informative video format. MMO ATK brings you MMORPG news the way you want it!

Today on the Daily XP:
Mario Kart 8 WiiU Bundle Announced | [timer]38[/timer]
Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen Gameplay Video Released | [timer]78[/timer]
Hellraid Will Be Released on Current Generation Consoles | [timer]113[/timer]

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Road to Greatness Tour, Column of the Prophet, SotA Combat and more! | The Daily XP April 24th

The Daily XP is MMO ATK’s Daily MMO and MMORPG News Show.  Come back each and every day for highlights of the days most current stories, brought to you by the number one MMO news source on the web!

Daily MMO and MMORPG News

Our team of writers scour the web for the most recent and up to date MMO news each and everyday, so you don’t have to. Our daily news team brings you everything you need to know in a short, sweet and informative video format. MMO ATK brings you MMORPG news the way you want it!

Today on the Daily XP:
Dragon’s Prophet Column of the Prophet Released | [timer]28[/timer]
Shroud of the Avatar Release 5 Update | [timer]62[/timer]
Sony’s Playstation 4 Road to Greatness Tour Details | [timer]93[/timer]

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GTA V Jetpacks, Wildstar PvP and Sexy SMITE! | The Daily XP April 23rd

The Daily XP is MMO ATK’s Daily MMO and MMORPG News Show.  Come back each and every day for highlights of the days most current stories, brought to you by the number one MMO news source on the web!

Daily MMO and MMORPG News

Our team of writers scour the web for the most recent and up to date MMO news each and everyday, so you don’t have to. Our daily news team brings you everything you need to know in a short, sweet and informative video format. MMO ATK brings you MMORPG news the way you want it!

Today on the Daily XP:
Jetpacks coming to Grand Theft Auto V?
Bastet Set To Dominate In Latest SMITE Patch
Diving Deeper Into Wildstar’s 80 Player PvP

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Assassin’s Creed Multiplayer, Fatal Frame on WiiU and more! | The Daily XP April 22nd

The Daily XP is MMO ATK’s Daily MMO and MMORPG News Show.  Come back each and every day for highlights of the days most current stories, brought to you by the number one MMO news source on the web!

Daily MMO and MMORPG News

Our team of writers scour the web for the most recent and up to date MMO news each and everyday, so you don’t have to. Our daily news team brings you everything you need to know in a short, sweet and informative video format. MMO ATK brings you MMORPG news the way you want it!

Today on the Daily XP:
Assassin’s Creed Unity to Have Multi-Player Co-Op | [timer][/timer]
Fatal Frame Will Be Heading to WiiU As Exclusive | [timer][/timer]
Kingdom Under Fire II English Beta Test Begins April 25th | [timer][/timer]

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H1Z1 Gameplay, Destiny’s Release Date, TESO and more! | The Daily XP April 21st

The Daily XP is MMO ATK’s Daily MMO and MMORPG News Show.  Come back each and every day for highlights of the days most current stories, brought to you by the number one MMO news source on the web!

Daily MMO and MMORPG News

Our team of writers scour the web for the most recent and up to date MMO news each and everyday, so you don’t have to. Our daily news team brings you everything you need to know in a short, sweet and informative video format. MMO ATK brings you MMORPG news the way you want it!

Today on the Daily XP:
The Elder Scrolls Online Massive Bug Exploit | [timer][/timer]
Destiny’s Release Date Still Holds True, For Now | [timer][/timer]
SOE Reveals More Details, and Gameplay, For H1Z1 | [timer][/timer]

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Dark Age of Camelot on Steam, ArcheBlade’s Launch and more! | The Daily XP April 17th

The Daily XP is MMO ATK’s Daily MMO and MMORPG News Show.  Come back each and every day for highlights of the days most current stories, brought to you by the number one MMO news source on the web!

Daily MMO and MMORPG News

Our team of writers scour the web for the most recent and up to date MMO news each and everyday, so you don’t have to. Our daily news team brings you everything you need to know in a short, sweet and informative video format. MMO ATK brings you MMORPG news the way you want it!

Today on the Daily XP:
Blizzard’s Hearthstone Released on iPad | [timer]37[/timer]
Dark Age of Camelot Comes to Steam Greenlight | [timer]67[/timer]
ArcheBlade Announces Steam launch Date | [timer]100[/timer]

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Wildstar Raids, The Last of Us DLC, Square Enix and more! | The Daily XP April 16th

The Daily XP is MMO ATK’s Daily MMO and MMORPG News Show.  Come back each and every day for highlights of the days most current stories, brought to you by the number one MMO news source on the web!

Daily MMO and MMORPG News

Our team of writers scour the web for the most recent and up to date MMO news each and everyday, so you don’t have to. Our daily news team brings you everything you need to know in a short, sweet and informative video format. MMO ATK brings you MMORPG news the way you want it!

Today on the Daily XP:
Carbine Studios Releases Wildstar Raiding Video | [timer]42[/timer]
The Last of Us DLC Detailed by Naughty Dog | [timer]85[/timer]
Sony Selling its Square Enix Shares for Billions | [timer]117[/timer]

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The Blue Beetle, Capcom’s Cash, Xbox One Update and more! | The Daily XP April 15th

The Daily XP is MMO ATK’s Daily MMO and MMORPG News Show.  Come back each and every day for highlights of the days most current stories, brought to you by the number one MMO news source on the web!

Daily MMO and MMORPG News

Our team of writers scour the web for the most recent and up to date MMO news each and everyday, so you don’t have to. Our daily news team brings you everything you need to know in a short, sweet and informative video format. MMO ATK brings you MMORPG news the way you want it!

Today on the Daily XP:
Infinite Crisis Introduces the Blue Beetle | [timer][/timer]
Capcom Has Cash to Burn and is Spending it on R&D | [timer][/timer]
Xbox One Users Get New Update | [timer][/timer]

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World of Darkness Canceled, Pantheon: Fall of the Fallen and more! | The Daily XP April 14th

The Daily XP is MMO ATK’s Daily MMO and MMORPG News Show.  Come back each and every day for highlights of the days most current stories, brought to you by the number one MMO news source on the web!

Daily MMO and MMORPG News

Our team of writers scour the web for the most recent and up to date MMO news each and everyday, so you don’t have to. Our daily news team brings you everything you need to know in a short, sweet and informative video format. MMO ATK brings you MMORPG news the way you want it!

Today on the Daily XP:
Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen Going Into A Sort of Hibernation | [timer]57[/timer]
CCP Games Cancels World of Darkness MMO | [timer]111[/timer]
SMITE God Khumbkhakarna Announced | [timer]155[/timer]

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Hearthstone’s Curse of Naxxramas, Ghost Recon Phantoms and more! | The Daily XP April 11th

The Daily XP is MMO ATK’s Daily MMO and MMORPG News Show.  Come back each and every day for highlights of the days most current stories, brought to you by the number one MMO news source on the web!

Daily MMO and MMORPG News

Our team of writers scour the web for the most recent and up to date MMO news each and everyday, so you don’t have to. Our daily news team brings you everything you need to know in a short, sweet and informative video format. MMO ATK brings you MMORPG news the way you want it!

Today on the Daily XP:
Electronic Arts Plans A Foray Into eSports | [timer]41[/timer]
Blizzard Shows Off Hearthstone’s First Major Expansion | [timer]89[/timer]
Ghost Recon Phantoms Releases on PC and Steam | [timer]130[/timer]

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H1Z1 Reveal, Titanfall’s Latest Patch, The Division and more! | The Daily XP April 10th

The Daily XP is MMO ATK’s Daily MMO and MMORPG News Show.  Come back each and every day for highlights of the days most current stories, brought to you by the number one MMO news source on the web!

Daily MMO and MMORPG News

Our team of writers scour the web for the most recent and up to date MMO news each and everyday, so you don’t have to. Our daily news team brings you everything you need to know in a short, sweet and informative video format. MMO ATK brings you MMORPG news the way you want it!

Today on the Daily XP:
Sony Online Entertainment Reveals H1Z1 To The World | [timer]33[/timer]
Respawn Discusses Titanfall’s New Patch | [timer]68[/timer]
Ubisoft Announces Red Storm Working on The Division | [timer]134[/timer]

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Argo Online, Super Smash Bros 3DS, The Last of Us and more! | The Daily XP April 9th

The Daily XP is MMO ATK’s Daily MMO and MMORPG News Show.  Come back each and every day for highlights of the days most current stories, brought to you by the number one MMO news source on the web!

Daily MMO and MMORPG News

Our team of writers scour the web for the most recent and up to date MMO news each and everyday, so you don’t have to. Our daily news team brings you everything you need to know in a short, sweet and informative video format. MMO ATK brings you MMORPG news the way you want it!

Today on the Daily XP:
Argo Online Is Not Dead, At Least We Think | [timer]33[/timer]
Super Smash Bros for 3DS Coming This Summer | [timer]71[/timer]
The Last of Us Coming to PS4 | [timer]101[/timer]

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