
The Pitch: Put your ingenuity and murderous intent to work by constructing unstoppable vehicles capable of causing mass carnage. When putting together your killer ride you have thousands of options to choose from, both cosmetic and lethally practical. Equip a dune buggy with rocket launchers and machine guns. Or throw together an armored vehicle with … Read more

Top 10 Best MMORPGs for 2015 | Top 10 Upcoming Games

Here’s our list of the most anticipated MMO and MMORPG Games for 2015. There are a lot of great games coming up on the horizon and we want to get them all here in one place so you can check them out for yourselves.

Some of the games may be in beta now, or are just rumored, or maybe won’t be released in 2015, but we’ll be hearing a lot about them in the next year.

[heading]What Games Made the List?[/heading]
Black Desert Online
BLESS Online
EverQuest Next
Blade & Soul
Albion Online
Shards Online
Lost Ark
Star Citizen




The Five Best People You’ll Meet In An MMORPG

Not everyone you meet online is a vile scoundrel whose sole purpose is to make you miserable. There are plenty of awesome people out there too – people who are often forgotten, overshadowed by griefers and trolls. Today, we’re going to tip our hat to just a few of the best people you’ll meet while gaming.

Best Free MMORPG 2014 | MMO ATK Top 10

You love Top 10’s, we love Top 10’s.  We re-evaluated our list from earlier in the year and took a look at the top free MMORPGs for 2014.
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Cloud Chamber

Cloud Chamber

Cloud Chamber is an indie adventure MMO coming from development studio Investigate North which largely seeks to break the mold of what is typically considered traditional gameplay and storytelling. In Cloud Chamber, you navigate through a virtual dataworld housing fragments of information which piece together to unravel the mystery of young scientist Kathleen Petersen. She risked everything to find the truth of the Cloud Chamber and save humanity from itself. Now the only remaining evidence is the information found on the database being explored. It’s a player driven game where individual enjoyment will stem from how invested you allow yourself to get.

Players will navigate more than 150 story fragments spanning 10 different levels in Cloud Chamber, each containing different clues ranging from videos, photos, documents, maps or transcripts. It’s a non-linear means of progression which allows a player to create a unique experience and reach a conclusion all their own. Of course, being an MMO, you won’t be solving the mystery on your own. Each bit of evidence is attached to a discussion board where players can discuss their theories and the significance of various details. Good theories get upvoted while unfavorable ones get downvoted. Presenting a supported theory will grant you access to even more data to help you along.

MMO ATK’s Zac Pickle enjoyed Cloud Chamber, questioning, “Is it a video game? A movie? A work of art? … Can it be all those things?” He continued by calling Cloud Chamber quirky in it’s premise and presentation, yet “it’s fairly easy to become absolutely engrossed in the game and all it has to offer.” Solid acting and and a shockingly engrossing narrative pull the player in and compels them forward. While he found the game a little too self-indulgent in its break from traditional gameplay at times, he overall thought the experience was well worth his time. Gamers interested in a unique, player-driven mystery MMO game can find more information on Cloud Chamber’s main website or through Steam.

Oort Online World Graphics Time-Lapse

Straight up, Oort Online is a beautiful game. A solid art direction, vibrant colors, and some powerful lighting and weather effects combine to create a dynamic visual experience that warrants a moment of admiration. The passion expressed in the developer’s Introduction Trailer is apparent in droves with striking ‘wow’ moments stealing your attention frequently.
Each scene of the time-lapse was recorded in-game over various periods of the game’s day/night and weather cycles across multiple worlds. These worlds are accessible via portals, through which players can seamlessly travel to explore, to build or to meet up with friends. Each location can feature a unique environment and distinct stylization, ranging from a bright, lush forest to an icy frozen tundra. The result is an impressive variety of eye candy to which no filters were applied; what you see is what you play.
Oort Online is a recently announced voxel-based sandbox MMORPG from Wonderstruck Games. Currently in pre-alpha, you can jump in immediately with early access available through various donation packages on their main website. The Oort Online alpha is expected in early 2015, with beta and full release following later in the year. Check them out and pledge some support!
We here at MMO ATK are big believers in Oort Online and the vision that Wonderstruck Games has for their final product. An extensive roadmap of features is planned for future implementation and you can count on us for continued coverage every step of the way.

Dogs of War Online

Dogs of War Online

As a tabletop gamer myself, I was immediately drawn to Dogs of War Online. The free-to-play strategy game is reportedly based on a tabletop war game of the same name. While I can’t say I’ve ever played the latter, after a bit of time with the former, I’m sorely tempted to. Although Dogs of War Online certainly does have its faults, it was, as a whole, both entertaining and engrossing.

Set in the war-torn world of Aarklash, Dogs of War Online pits three primary factions against one another: Light, Darkness, and Destiny. The Forces of Light are pretty much your vanilla ‘good guys,’ and are represented by humans and mages. Darkness, meanwhile, are the undead and unholy; creatures that have no business existing in the world. Finally, Destiny draws the Wolfen to its fold; wolf-like creatures who don’t share the black-or-white morality of the other two factions. These three groups are referred to as the Lion, the Ram, and the Wolf, respectively. When you start out, you’ll be granted access to one of the three; you can unlock more as you play through the game.

Army Points – immediately familiar to anyone who’s played a game like Warhammer – are used as a numeric representation of how powerful your forces are. Each unit has a particular AP value based on its stats and special abilities. Fielding a few ultra-powerful units might give you the edge, but you could easily see your bruisers taken down by a group of smaller, weaker foes. The units in each alliance follow the same design principles as one another, with enough variety that you’re free to develop your army as you see fit.

Take the force of the Lion, for example. Individually, they tend to be far weaker than the Wolfen, who gravitate towards savage units designed to roll over their foes in rapid succession. A Wolfen force may seem overpowered at first – after all, a single Wolfen can kill scores of swordsmen. With proper tactics, however, the brutes are rarely a problem – though the smallest mistake could see your army obliterated in a few turns.

The primary component of Dogs of War Online is engaging with duels in other players to gain fame and wealth with which they can build up their forces. There are other activities, as well; individual units can be sent on missions like tournaments, shakedowns, or kidnapping, removing them from your army for a set amount of time. Although the rewards for such missions are great and the investment small, there’s a chance your unit might end up injured or dead – though this decreases significantly with more skilled units. Oh, I should probably mention – each unit gains experience every time it’s used in combat, eventually leveling up and gaining access to new perks and abilti

The game looks and plays marvelously, with fluid animations, an easy-to-use interface, and aesthetically pleasing hex-grid maps. I won’t get too much into the details of combat, but suffice it to say, it’s quite satisfying, with a pleasing amount of depth. I’ll let you discover the rest for yourself.

The in-game cash shop is admirably designed, without even the barest hint of pay to win. Anything you can buy with purchased currency is available with in-game cash and a bit of effort grinding up the necessary funds. The end result of this combined with the game’s matchmaking system is that no player really feels like they’ve an unfair advantage over the rest; there’s really little difference between paying players and non-paying ones (save perhaps that the non-paying folks have spent more time in-game.)

Oh, and players can also construct their own buildings that will generate units for them, too, somewhat eliminating the need to use the cash shop at higher levels.

Now, Dogs of War Online isn’t perfect. There’s really no narrative to speak of, and the single-player missions are relatively bland as a result. Bad grammar and misspellings run rampant throughout the game, and the matchmaking system sometimes takes a bit longer than it should to track down opponents. It’s also still in beta, so expect a few quirks here and there. Still, it’s good for a bit of fun, especially if strategy games are your forte.



So…I kind of regret downloading Hearthstone. No, not because there are any inherent problems with the quality of the game. Quite the contrary, actually – it’s probably one of the most solid card games I’ve played in years, mechanics-wise. Everything from the music to the graphics to the voice acting is impeccably done, and the freemium elements of the title – while they do smack very faintly of pay-to-win – are implemented well enough that they don’t particularly impede one’s enjoyment.

The way the game works is deceptively simple. In Hearthstone, there are two ‘types’ of cards – Neutral and Class. Neutral Cards – which feature various recognizable creatures pulled straight from World of Warcraft, referred to as “minions” – can be used in most any deck, but don’t include any spells within their ranks. Presumably, these represent the myriad monsters and NPCs you’d encounter in the MMORPG itself. Class Cards, meanwhile, are meant to represent a particular classes skills and abilities. While they tend to include a few minions, they’re primarily comprised of spells and equipment. Each deck may only choose Class cards from one particular Class – for example, you wouldn’t be able to include the Warlock’s class cards in a Priest deck.

Each class -represented by a familiar face from Warcraft canon, from Uther Lightbringer(Paladin) to Jaina Proudmoore(Mage) to Rexxar(Hunter) – furthermore has its own special ability, costing only two mana. This adds a unique bit of flavor to the game, and can actually form the crux of a deck’s entire strategy. For example, a common tactic with the Mage is to use Enrage minions (which get bigger when they take damage) and hit them with her one damage Firebolt spell to pump them up on the turn they’re summoned, while a priest might decide to steal those minions for himself, healing them with his ability.

Like I said…deceptively simple.

On first booting up Hearthstone, you’ll be walked through a short series of tutorial battles which will walk you through the basics (and introduce you to the game’s peculiar sense of humor). Playing as Jaina Proudmoore – the hero used to represent the Mage, the first class to which players have access – you’ll fight through a series of amusing foes, from the vicious Hogger straight up to Illidan Stormrage himself. Afterwards, the game effectively turns you loose, equipping you with a single booster pack, a selection of Neutral creatures, and the Mage class. If you’d like, you can stick with the Mage, or defeat the AI to unlock any of the game’s other classes. Play games, and you’ll level up your class, unlocking more Class Cards for them and enabling you to improve your deck.

That actually leads me to one of the biggest problems with Hearthstone – indeed, a problem shared by many games of its ilk. Due both to the leveling system and Hearthstone’s mirotransactions, there’s actually a bit of a barrier to entry for new players. Until you’ve accumulated a few booster packs, your deck’s probably going to feel a touch ineffective. That’s because many of the most powerful cards are unlocked not through leveling up, but as random drops in booster packs. These packs are bought with Gold, which can either be gained through completing “Quests” (for example, win 3 games as a Mage) or with real-world money.

That’s a minor gripe, at best. Even though it’s only in beta, Hearthstone is already incredibly addicting – and extremely promising. One thing is certain: Blizzard definitely knows how to do free to play.