The Six Most Legendary Trolls In MMO History

Occasionally, someone will step up and set themselves apart from the crowd. Their reasons are always their own, but they inevitably carry out plots and pranks so cunning, unique, or thoroughly vile; one can’t help but be at least a little impressed. Today, we’re going to pay tribute to some of the most legendary trolls of MMOs past.

Top 10 Best MMORPGs Remaining In 2013

Half a year ago, MMO Attack rung in the new year by discussing the top MMORPGs to keep an eye on in 2013. Some of the games have released successfully as planned, while others have fallen flat or pushed to a later date. A lot can change in six months. That?s why I felt the need to hunt down the remaining MMORPGs that are due to still (possibly) release by the time 2013 is over.

Dust 514

Dust 514 is bringing the MMOFPS to the console space. The game takes place in the Eve Online universe and is a marvel in concept. Large scale battles, vehicles and orbital misses from above make this game a fast paced F2P Shooter that is a must play on the PS3

EVE Online Review

EVE Online is the first class space-faring sandbox MMORPG developed by CCP. Players enter a vast universe as a rookie pilot. The universe is filled with planets, ships, asteroids, space stations, moons, wormholes, various complexes, and thousands of other players. EVE lets players choose their own class from hundreds of skills, keeping play free form and fluid, not as restricted and dependent on set skill trees as other MMORPGs do. The same free form method also applies to customizing ships, with hundreds of models, rigs, and subsystems to choose from.