New Female Night Elves in WoW, Curse of Icewind Dale and more! | The Daily XP May 14th

Your Daily Gaming News for Wednesday May 14th. Today Bethany discusses World of Warcraft, Sony, Neverwinter, Zombies Monsters and Robots, SMITE and City of Steam.

Can Zenimax Fix The Elder Scrolls Online?

For those of you who weren’t already aware, the launch of The Elder Scrolls online was…well, a bit of a mess. Not only did the game go live with a ruinous, economy-breaking exploit; it also played host to a lovely selection of nasty bugs and glitches that made playing it a chore, at best. At this point, a lot of folks are asking if Zenimax stands any chance of salvaging it – myself included.

MMO Year In Review: 5 of 2013’s Biggest Dick Moves

People are dicks – particularly on the Internet. While that shouldn’t come as any great surprise, occasionally we come across someone whose level of sheer dickery reaches legendary proportions. As we move into 2014, let’s take a look at a few such individuals from the previous year.