League of Legends Bot Lane Synergy – Miss Fortune and Leona

Bottom Lane Synergies between your Support and AD Carry can help get your team off to a great start.  This week on League of Legends Bot lane Synergies we take a look at Miss Fortune and Leona.
Find more Bot Lane Synergies in our series page.

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League of Legends Bot Lane Synergy – Kog’Maw and Lulu

Bottom Lane Synergies between your Support and AD Carry can help get your team off to a great start.  This week on League of Legends Bot lane Synergies we take a look at Kog’Maw and Lulu.
Find more Bot Lane Synergies in our series page.

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Top Played League Champions (March 2014) | League of Legends

Once again, MMOAttack.com is taking an in depth look at League of Legends’ Top Played Champions (March 2014) in order to help you make the most of your League experience! Find out who’s being played so you know which champions to turn to and who you can expect to see in your next match!
For a full article version of and expanded information on December’s Top Played Champs, check out Blaine Smith’s article from MMO ATK here: http://mmoattack.com/mmo-articles/league-of-legends-top-played-champions-march-2014
Make sure to check back each month to stay up on the most current League of Legends trends!  Don’t play yet? Get into the game here: http://goo.gl/C5gML
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League of Legends Bot Lane Synergy – Graves and Sona

Bottom Lane Synergies between your Support and AD Carry can help get your team off to a great start.  This week on League of Legends Bot lane Synergies we take a look at Graves and Sona.
Find more Bot Lane Synergies in our series page.

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League of Legends Bot Lane Synergy – Vayne and Nami

Bottom Lane Synergies between your Support and AD Carry can help get your team off to a great start.  This week on League of Legends Bot lane Synergies we take a look at Vayne and Nami.
Find more Bot Lane Synergies in our series page.

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League of Legends Bot Lane Synergy – Sivir and Janna

Bottom Lane Synergies between your Support and AD Carry can help get your team off to a great start.  This week on League of Legends Bot lane Synergies we take a look at Sivir and Janna.
Find more Bot Lane Synergies in our series page.

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League of Legends: Top Played Champions February 2014

Once again, MMOAttack.com is taking an in depth look at League of Legends‘ Top Played Champions (February 2014) in order to help you make the most of your League experience! Find out who’s being played so you know which champions to turn to and who you can expect to see in your next match!
For a full article version of and expanded information on February’s Top Played Champs, check out Blaine Smith’s Top Played Champions in February article.
Make sure to check back each month to stay up on the most current League of Legends trends!  Don’t play yet? Play League of Legends for Free.
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League of Legends Bot Lane Synergy – Lux and Ezreal

Bottom Lane Synergies between your Support and AD Carry can help get your team off to a great start.  This week on League of Legends Bot lane Synergies we take a look at Lux and Ezreal.
Find more Bot Lane Synergies in our series page.

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Come one, come all to view Bot Lane Synergy within the realm
of summoners rift! Where dreams are crushed, and Pentakills are stolen.  Ezreal and Lux are todays performers for this
episode, this blonde squad definitely proves that blondes have more fun. Do you
think I should dye my hair?  NO. Ezreal
the prodigal explorer is a highly mobile, poke/burst heavy ADC his ability arcane
shift out of every situation makes staying alive easy.   Lux on the other hand, is a Low mobility high
range high damage poke/burst mage. With her Q She is able to keep a target
locked down which allows for free harass. 
When you put the two together you get one insanely kite heavy wombocombo
poke lane.  If Lux lands a Q Ezreal is
able to land a full combo while Lux unleashes the final spark. Also did you
know that Lux is the unit of measure for luminance? Actually I did know that,
in fact did you know Ezreal means, uhhhhh YEAH! WHO NEEDS A MAP? Why don’t we
head OVER HERE to see this blinding duo in action.

Next we will see karma land a Mantra Q onto Ezreal, they
begin to flee away while the enemy bot lane chases them down, Lux and Ezreal
both miss their Q.  Ezreal than arcane
shifts away while Tristana jumps after them, upon Entering the bush Ezreal ults
while Lux follows up with final spark brining Tristana to no hp, They then turn
to karma chasing her down killing her but end up wasting a flash.

here is an example of how Ezreal can follow up on a Lux
snare pre level 6.

Here we see Hecarim prepare for a tower dive on Lux and Ezreal,
he wards over for vision and gets ready to dive in. He goes behind them to
surround Lux and Ezreal while the other two close in. When the minions arrive Hecarim
speeds in but Ezreal arcanes away, he ults after Ezreal but a barrier and Lux
snare saves his life allowing them both to pick up the kill on Hecarim.
Unfortunatley Lucian and Nidalee are still alive. Ezreal return to aid his ally
and lux lands a snare allowing for him to arcane barrage. Lucian casts his ult
but using the minions to block it Ezreal stays alive, then turns back onto Lucian.
The OP minions with an Ezreal Q brings him down and they then turn their attention
too Nidalee killing her as Lulu arrives.

As Hecarim engages on the team Ezreal arcane shifts away to
ult down the cluttered enemies. as they being to flee Lux also then lasers through
the middle of the team dealing massive amounts of damage they switch to Trundle
and Yasuo picking up two more kills and granting them and ace.

Lux lands a snare onto Kassadin, with the two seconds they
have to unleash their ults Lux and Ezreal are able to single handedly take out
an opponent, they then switch to trundle giving no mercy which then allows them
to push 5v3.

in this last play we will see Leblanc unleash her full combo
to take out Ezreal, as he arcane and barriers away forcing her to retreat. Wukong
dashes to lulu as Ezreal unleashes his arcane barrage on the incoming team. Lee
Sin kicks the spinning monkey to the ulting Lux causing a mid air jordan final
spark.  The Wukong is then taken down
followed up quickly by the fleeing karma and Tristana and Shyvanna flies away. That’s
not dragon, and chickens don’t fly…

How are your eyes after watching those blinding
plays? If you liked them, go ahead and tell us in the comments below.  And don’t forget to give us a like share and
OR subscribe, and we will see you next time where we take a look at the lighting
fast Sivir and Janna.

League of Legends Bot Lane Synergy – Karma and Lucian

Bottom Lane Synergies between your Support and AD Carry can help get your team off to a great start.  This week on League of Legends Bot lane Synergies we take a look at Karma and Lucian.

Ello summoners, Ashley
and TJ here, and Welcome to League of Legends Bot Lane Synergies.  Ashley,
why don’t you tell them what Bot Lane Synergies is all about.  In this show we take two champions who we
think go extremely well together and break down exactly why that is.  This week we have some footage we captured of
karma and Lucian. BARLEY! What did you guys think of all the server problems
this past week?  It definitely made our
life harder, trying to collect footage for this week. RIOT PLS! Anyways. Lucian
the purifier, is a poke heavy ADC who can remove slows with is dash and gain
bonus movement speed from his W procs.  Karma,
the enlightened one, is equipped with a high damage poke, and tons of utility
for her team.  But .. you already knew that!  Lucian and Karma are able to poke down
targets with their Q’s giving them very strong early game control and zone
potential.  Yeah talk about scary! What’s
even better is that Karma has the ability to disengage herself and Lucian AFTER
unleashing their full combo.  I definitely
can recall a bunch of times you saved me with that amazing shield. Bonus movement
speed on an already fast ADC? That will make him run faster than Usain bolt!  Woah there lets slow down a bit and take a
look at a few of these plays or runs! In action.

Here we have Karma and
Lucian engaging onto fiddle sticks as Gragas arrives. Fiddle flashes to dodge
gragy boys body slam, but Lucian flashes to secure the kill. They switch onto
jinx but she flashes, We didn’t want to mess with crazy lady anyway.

Lucian and karma are
fleeing away to their tower as they see Xin Zhao arrive to gank. Lucian times a
dash to bring Xin to his tower bringing him to low HP. Lux lands a double bind
ult combo As Lucian and karma switch focus to twitch. Lucian uses the culling
to bring them low and get the kill on Xin.

Here they see the
trickster Leblanc coming for a gank. karma Q Tethers Leblanc forcing her to
flee as Farvan arrives. as karma gets chained Lucian casts the culling while
karma uses a mantra Q on their whole team devastating their LIVES. They switch
onto thresh and get him to flash but as the chase continues thresh hooks onto
the wight camp and escapes. NOT!

Karma and Lucian begin
to head back to lane, while karma decides to fight as soon as the enemy arrives.
Lucian sits back waiting for the right moment to enter While his friend soaks
up most of the enemies spells. As Lucian fully engages he pokes down the enemy
team while karma sits in the back speeding him up allowing him to stick to his
targets. Lucian gets feared as karma goes in for the kill on jinx, but a crow
and tower hit sends her back. She then casts a mantra q killing fiddle while Lucian
sacrifices himself for jinx.

Here we see Lucian and
Karma attempting to engage on the enemy jinx, Lee sin shows up for a surprise
gank causing them to flee. As lee sin dashes in, karma and Lucian kite and poke
them down turning the tide of the gank. Lee Sin Q’s into karma but is hit face
first with a ton of damage brining him down. Nidalee arrives to aid her team
chasing them back to tower with a spear onto fiddle they able to focus down
jinx and switch to the scarecrow.  Lucian culls fiddles sticks on tower
but the fight isn’t over yet. A NEW CHALLENGER APPROACHES, Syndra makes her way
down botlane as karma and Lucian push to tower. When Syndra arrives she
attempts to burst down Lucian but a quick barrier and karma shield will keep
him alive. Nidalee comes back into the fight and DEAD.

Karma and Lucian push their
way to mid tower poking vi down. They then turn onto the tower bringing it
down. Vi begins to charge up vault breaker to what looks like an attempt to
flee but she quickly turns around as her team arrives. They are able to bring vi
down before they rest of her team comes but they are now surrounded karma runs
off to the side poking him down while Lucian kites. They bring down kenen and Lucian
pops barrier to continue fighting. Leblanc soon arrives bringing Lucian down to
EXTREMLY LOW HP, shields speed ups and dashes are able to keep him alive just barely to take
out Ezreal and Leblanc. unfortunately thresh arrives killing Lucian reuniting
him with his wife. Jarvan then avenges his fallen ally ulting onto of thresh
for Demacia ending in a 4 for 1 trade.

What did you think of
this exotic bot lane 😉 Go ahead and leave us your comments below regarding the
video or even all that server lag.  And
feel free to give us a like share and or subscribe and we will see you next week
when we take a look at the wombo combo bot lane Ezreal Lux. Who needs a map
when you have a walking flashlight named Lux Double rainbow? what does that
mean?! Anyways we will see you next time summonses! 

Find more Bot Lane Synergies in our series page.

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League of Legends Bot Lane Synergy – Draven and Fiddle

Bottom Lane Synergies between your Support and AD Carry can help get your team off to a great start.  This week on League of Legends Bot lane Synergies we take a look at Draven and Fiddle.
Find more Bot Lane Synergies in our series page.

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Heyoo summoners, TJ
and Ashley here with Draven and Fiddles bot lane synergy. 
Today we will be taking a look at this deadly duo bring fear into their
enemy’s eyes.  Dravennnnn, this high
damage ADC has a very limited mobility kit who uses his attack speed and
movement speed steroid to move through battle dealing massive amounts of damage
with his spinning axes.  Fiddlesticks the
scarecrow of doom brings high amounts of damage and a 2.25 second fear at max
ranks. At level 6 he is able to split a team in half with his ultimate causing
mass chaos and allowing Draven to pick off split targets. 
Together fiddle and Draven have very strong early game control, with fiddles fear and Draven’s axes they have high kill potential at level
2.  With proper positioning fiddle is
able to use his dark wind to bounce back and forth on the enemy laner while Draven picks up the kills gaining bonus gold
from  his adoration stacks snowballing him into late game.  Let’s go ahead and take a look at a few
examples of this charming but deadly duo.

Here we have Draven picking a fight with graves Leona as
trundle is running away with fatal health, fiddle comes to assist his lane
partner while Draven dodges Leona’s zenith blade and runs into the bush to cast
his ult. With Fiddles fear he is able to land his ult twice sending graves to
his grave? And gaining bonus gold from his passive. 

Trundle and fiddle see
Kat coming down to assist her team, fiddle positions himself to ult on top of
her with Draven on his way, fiddle fears Kat allowing for Draven to pick up a
kill. Graves comes by and launches his ultimate to hopefully kill fiddle, Draven
blocks the ult and guess what happens next? HE LIVES!

Draven and fiddle are
running towards trundle and Darius to assist them with the enemy team. Fiddle
ults into the team fight causing them to scatter while Draven follows up onto
the split Irelia and Katarina picking them off. Leaona casts solar flare
stunning fiddle and brining Draven to low hp. she is quickly chunked down with
3 low hp allies graves buck shots Draven to pop his guardian angel, but fiddle
then fears him allowing them to take down his guardian angel in return. Draven
positions himself to dodge graves burst and picks up the kill ending them game.

With trundle on his
way Draven positions himself to get caught by Leona, she instantly regrets her
decision as trundle appears. fiddle then fears Leoana and silences as she tries
to escape, she cast solar flare onto trundle but Draven is still able to take
her down collecting bonus gold

Fiddle Positions
himself to ult onto the opposing team causing them to split. Katarina zhonyas
as Irelia comes to her aid. Katarina gets taken down as Irelia hunts down Draven.
Leona ults onto trundle and Irelia switches targets. Trundle Flashes and leaves
a pillar to distance himself from Irelia as Draven does massive damage to her
saving his teammate.

What did you think of
this deadly combo? Go ahead and leave us your thoughts in the comments below
and tell us what bot lane combos you would like to see.  Also make sure to tune in next time where we
go over Lucian and Karma bot lane, and feel free to submit to us your bot lane
duo videos at our website mmoatk.com 
If you liked this video go ahead and give us a like share and or
subscribe and we will see you next time on league of legends bot lane

Free League of Legends Champions Breakdown | Season 4: Week 4

This week’s Free Champions in League of Legends include: Kayle, Master Yi, Soraka, Warwick, Ezreal, Leona, Aatrox, Darius, Varus and of course, Ziggs.  Which ones make the best top laners?  Or mid or jungle?  Let Nicole break it down for you!
Learn more about League of Legends at: http://mmoattack.com/tags/league-of-legends
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