MapleStory Legends Introduces Three New Characters
Nexon?s highly popular sidescrolling MMO, MapleStory, is about to get a new MapleStory Legends update with three new characters.
MMORPG community, news, articles, & games
Nexon?s highly popular sidescrolling MMO, MapleStory, is about to get a new MapleStory Legends update with three new characters.
A monument was damaged in memory of EVE Online’s Summer Riot, showing CCP’s dedication to player feedback in the MMO title.
Sankando’s new MMO game, M2, was put in its final resting place before it came to full fruition.
There’s nothing quite like watching some poor kid freak out about not getting what he wants.
BioWare has sent out a boatload of keys for the next round of beta testing for SWTOR.
Ever wonder what the person who just killed you in MW3 looks like? Well we finally know.
Gabe Newell, founder of Valve Software, has made a public statement regarding Steam hacks.
With Blizzcon quickly approaching, the Starcraft Universe team is giving players a chance to try out their mod starting today and running until October 30th.
In early December, EverQuest II will make a transition to F2P.
What may come as great news to some reading this article, WoW continued to loose subscribers in Q3.
The latest patch to Elsword brings plenty of exciting new features and content to players of this side scrolling MMO.
With Christmas just around the corner there is one thing many games have been adding to their wish list and that?s Star Wars: the Old Republic.
RiotGame has announced that League of Legends season 2 will have ranked teams for 3v3 and 5v5.
BioWare just announced that they will add another type of server RP-PvP (and the RP servers will become RP-PvE)
According to SOE president John Smedley over 120,000 PC players registered for DCUO in just two days increasing the player number four fold.
Unauthorized copies of the game were accidentally released this week when a retailer placed the game on sale.