Top 10 Co-Op Games For 2018

There’s nothing quite like playing a good game with a buddy. Or even a sworn enemy–as long as you’re better than them. But it can be difficult to find a game worthy of your time and attention. Yeah, we all know about the Destinies and Worlds Of Warcrafts–but is there anything else out there? Well, … Read more

Top 5 Games Under $5 To Grab During The Summer Steam Sale

Every Steam sale is the best of times and the worst of times. The best of times for us and the worst of times for our wallets, and all the games we should be playing. What’s that? I have a brand new copy of Persona 5 I still haven’t touched? That’s cool and all but … Read more

The Last Of Us, Cyberpunk 2077 and Shadow Of The Tomb Raider

I’m sure I’m not alone when I say this: E3 is one of the best and worst times of the year. On the plus side, you get to peer into the future of gaming. On the downside, that future is usually a ways off. Both in terms of time and accuracy. I mean sure you … Read more

Loot Boxes and Greed: An EA Story

If there’s been one prevailing theme for the current news cycle in the gaming world it would be one of change and fury. Lotsa fury. In truth that isn’t too strange. Gamers are a passionate bunch (read: angry)  and when they’ve got something to be mad about, you had better believe you’ll hear about it. … Read more

Harry Potter Wizards Unite

It’s another fantastic week at Attack Gaming. The team is hard at work on our brand new weekly series, where we bring you the latest in top MMORPG games for pc, mobile, and console! We are very excited to see what everyone thinks about it. Meanwhile, I managed to sneak away and spend some time … Read more

Dead Alliance First Impression

Hey Attackers, as you know we’re always on the lookout for new and interesting games that may be flying under the radar. Luckily for you, Joel zeroed in on a potential diamond in the rough and took it for a spin. The game in question: Dead Alliance. Watch as Joel takes a crack at the … Read more

Weekend Watch: New Releases Hellblade and LawBreakers

Hey Attackers, we have two very different game releases to look at this week. One is an incredibly atmospheric, and at times, claustrophobic single player game and the other is a multiplayer only, hero shooter that’s all about floating and gunning. Let’s take a look. Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice This is a game that’s stunning in … Read more

MOBA Weekly Wrap-Up

Hey Attackers, we’ve got a ton of news to get through for this week, so let’s jump right in. Ornn Champion Reveal First up, we’ve got a brand new champion coming to Summoner’s Rift. His name is Ornn and he hails from the bowels of an ancient volcano. And I don’t know if it’s the … Read more