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Mark Plays Dragon’s Prophet – Gotta Catch ‘Em All Pt. 1
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Pokemon MMO, World of Warplanes, Super Hero Squad Online and more! The Weekly Loot Ep 70
The Weekly Loot is MMO ATK’s Weekly MMO and MMORPG News Show hosted by the excessively talented Mark (@_MarkMcDonald)! Each week we cover the most important topics on the MMO gaming space with thoughtful and in-depth commentary. We take gaming news seriously and break down the biggest stories in a short and easy to view format that any MMO fan can enjoy.
This week’s MMORPG News:
Each week we will be giving out a weekly prize (loot) for watching and interacting with us. This week’s loot is a $20 Steam Gift Card!
For a chance to win this week’s loot, enter the code word from the video on the MMO ATK homepage.
*Winner will be selected on next week’s episode: 9/27* Thanks for watching, see you next week!
Finally! An Official Response To Pokemon MMO Requests
Gamers around the world have been itching to hear something official relating to a Pokemon MMO for what feels like an age, but that wait is finally over!
Why We Will Never See A True Pokemon MMORPG On The Wii U
It’s the dream of millions, the gold prize at the end of the rainbow, a truly 3D Pokemon MMORPG. As with most dreams the potential for it to become true is unlikely but that doesn’t stop the heavy debates on forum boards across the internet
Top 10 Retro MMO Games – MMO Attack’s Top 10

Making a Pokemon MMORPG – Tournaments
The journey to become a pokemon champion is a long one. It involves training many companions through some truly intense battles. Pokemon battles are obviously the focal point of the entire series, as they take place on many levels. Ranging from a back and forth rivalry, to encounters with wild pokemon, the series knows how to stress the importance of competitive gameplay.
Making A Pokemon MMORPG – Seasons and Weather Effects
Every week MMO Attack takes a look at why the heck Nintendo would want to delay making a Pokemon MMORPG. No matter what topic is being discussed, the conclusion always seems to be the same. Pokemon needs to be made in to an MMORPG right now. Another reason supporting an MMO transition is a greater inclusion of weather effects and seasonal changes, as many MMORPGs follow a yearly calendar.
Making A Pokemon MMORPG – Pokemon Rangers
The most requested title to transition to an MMORPG comes from fans of the increasingly popular series, Pokemon. Is there any reason why Nintendo would want to restrict such a successful franchise from expanding even further? This series delves into why Nintendo needs to make Pokemon an MMORPG.
Making A Pokemon MMORPG – Morality Choices
The most requested title to transition to an MMORPG comes from fans of the increasingly popular series, Pokemon. Is there any reason why Nintendo would want to restrict such a successful franchise from expanding even further? This series delves into why Nintendo needs to make Pokemon an MMORPG.
Making A Pokemon MMORPG – Professions
The most requested title to transition to an MMORPG comes from fans of the increasingly popular series, Pokemon. Is there any reason why Nintendo would want to restrict such a successful franchise from expanding even further? This series delves into why Nintendo needs to make Pokemon an MMORPG.
Making a Pokemon MMORPG – Leveling a Character
The most requested title to transition to an MMORPG comes from fans of the increasingly popular series, Pokemon. Is there any reason why Nintendo would want to restrict such a successful franchise from expanding even further? This series delves into why Nintendo needs to make Pokemon an MMORPG.
Making a Pokemon MMORPG – The Pokemon
The most requested title to transition to an MMORPG comes from fans of the increasingly popular series, Pokemon. Is there any reason why Nintendo would want to restrict such a successful franchise from expanding even further? This series delves into why Nintendo needs to make Pokemon an MMORPG.
Making A Pokemon MMORPG – Why It Makes Sense
The most requested title to transition to an MMORPG comes from fans of the increasingly popular series, Pokemon. Is there any reason why Nintendo would want to restrict such a successful franchise from expanding even further? In this series I delve into why Nintendo should make a Pokemon MMORPG.
Aqua Teen Hunger Reviews – Pokemon
In this week’s episode Wadball and Karl get their hands on a new video game. Wadball cannot speak Japanese so Karl has to explain the whole game.
Pokemon Black & White Version 2 Release
Nintendo released their newest installments in the series, Pokemon: Black Version 2 & Pokemon: White Version 2, this past Sunday for the Nintendo DS.