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101 MMOs in Development in 2014
Pokemon MMO, World of Warplanes, Super Hero Squad Online and more! The Weekly Loot Ep 70
The Weekly Loot is MMO ATK’s Weekly MMO and MMORPG News Show hosted by the excessively talented Mark (@_MarkMcDonald)! Each week we cover the most important topics on the MMO gaming space with thoughtful and in-depth commentary. We take gaming news seriously and break down the biggest stories in a short and easy to view format that any MMO fan can enjoy.
This week’s MMORPG News:
Each week we will be giving out a weekly prize (loot) for watching and interacting with us. This week’s loot is a $20 Steam Gift Card!
For a chance to win this week’s loot, enter the code word from the video on the MMO ATK homepage.
*Winner will be selected on next week’s episode: 9/27* Thanks for watching, see you next week!
The Six Most Legendary Trolls In MMO History
Occasionally, someone will step up and set themselves apart from the crowd. Their reasons are always their own, but they inevitably carry out plots and pranks so cunning, unique, or thoroughly vile; one can’t help but be at least a little impressed. Today, we’re going to pay tribute to some of the most legendary trolls of MMOs past.
New PvP Modes For TERA Rising
GameForge have released more information on the latest new features in their action packed MMORPG epic, TERA Rising.
Let’s Talk About Your Inventory – MMOpinion
How do you organize your inventory in an MMO? Do you just throw everything in a backpack and hope to find it later? Is everything color or slot coordinated?
Runescape 3 Release Date Finally Announced
Jagex has just announced some pretty exciting news. The creators of the Guinness World Record title Runescape is about to launch their highly anticipated successor, Runescape 3.
MechWarrior Online Launch Date Announced
After garnering over 1 million registered players during closed and open betas, MechWarrior Online has finally announced its 1.0 launch date. The free-to-play MMO is set to release September 17.
GoD Factory: Wingmen Offers Public Preview For New MOBA
An independent game developer called Nine Dots Studio has released a preview for their upcoming MMO, GoD Factory: Wingmen. Players can also download a public version to see the game?s interface.
How Realistic Do You Want Your Weather – MMOpinion
How realistic do you want the weather in games? Does it even matter to you? Would you much rather developers worry about the content or the story?
Will Next-Gen MMO Games Provide Innovation Or Regression?
If you’ve been following any of my posts recently you’ve probably come to the conclusion that I’m slightly obsessed about the potential of MMO games in the next-generation
of consoles, and you’d be right
Action MMO Panzar Receives Extensive Patch
Developers decided to push their free-to-play action MMO Panzar to the next level with the release of the games most recent and extensive patch.
The Six Rarest Items In MMO History
There’s a trend in the world of MMORPGs: gamers are like magpies. We love our rare items, we love our loot, and we can’t get enough of the bragging rights that go hand-in-hand with an awesome drop. Developers are keyed into this trend, of course…which is why they’ve populated their titles with some of the most difficult-to-locate items possible.
Top 10 Mobile MMOs – MMO Attack’s Top 10

How Do You Socialize In MMOs – MMOpinion
There are many options for socializing in MMO games. You may use in-game chat features in your group/raid/guild or maybe you prefer some out-of-game options like Skype or TS.
Next-Gen MMO Games And The Issue Of Communication
It’s no longer a case of wishing or predicting, the MMO genre has already influenced the next-generation of consoles but is the industry ready?